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This section provides a summary of the settings that are offered within our app.


We recommend that you explore settings directly within our app in Shopify as they are more clearly laid out and provide the same level of details there.

Shopify settings​

Setting nameDefault valueDescription
Taxes included in totalBased on Shopify settingsWhether taxes are already included in total or not (should match your tax configuration in Shopify Settings > Taxes and duties > Include tax in prices

Invoices settings​

Setting nameDefault valueDescription
Title formatShopify #{shopify_order_number}Title given to your invoices in Bexio. Available fields: {shopify_order_id}, {shopify_order_number}
Invoice header textText added in each invoice's header
Payment information to append to header textWhen an order is paid by credit card, you can append payment information to the invoice's header text. Available fields: {card_issuer_company}, {card_number_last_digits}, {card_owner_name}, {card_cvv}, {card_expiration_month}, {card_expiration_year}
Invoice footer textText added in each invoice's footer
Invoice line item format{shopify_default_product_name}Format of each line item. Available fields: {shopify_default_product_name}, {shopify_product_title}, {shopify_variant_title}, {shopify_sku}, {bexio_product_title}, {bexio_product_description}, {bexio_sku}
Add HS Code in line itemsDisabledIf the product has an HS Code defined in Shopify, add it to the product line in the Bexio invoice
Invoice shipping line textShipping ({shipping_line_title})If shipping fees are applied, they will appear with this text on the invoice
Invoices languageBased on Shopify settingsLanguage in which your invoices will be created
Auto match invoices languageFalseIf enabled, we will try to match the customer's language with bexio to create an invoice in their language. Otherwise, the default language selected above will be used.

Automation / sync settings​

Setting nameDefault valueDescription
Synchronize ordersEnabledIf enabled, new orders placed on the store will be synced to bexio automatically
Synchronize POS ordersEnabledIf enabled and if applicable, POS (Point Of Sale) orders will be synced as well
Default contact for orders without customerWhen an order has no customer, assigns it a default "Walk-in" customer in bexio (an order cannot be created without customer in bexio). Especially useful for POS.
Synchronize payments (Shopify → Bexio)EnabledWhen an order is paid in Shopify, create the payment in bexio and mark the corresponding invoice as paid
Synchronize payments (Bexio → Shopify)DisabledWhen an invoice is marked as paid in bexio and linked to a Shopify order, marks the corresponding order as paid in Shopify. Note: this sync is not real-time, it is performed every night at 3am.
Automatically email invoices to customersDisabledWhen an order has been paid, send bexio's invoice to the customer
Automatically email invoices to the following email address(es)When an order has been paid, send bexio's invoice to this/these email address(es) (one per line) Invoices can be sent automatically both to your customer and to these fixed email addresses
Invoice email default subjectInvoice for your order {order_name}This subject will be used as default when a bexio invoice is sent by email
Invoice email default messageHello, Please find your invoice attached and at the following link: [Network Link] Kind regardsThis message will be used as default when a Bexio invoice is sent by email Important: "[Network Link]" will be replaced with the link to your invoice and must be in your message

Advanced orders sync settings​

Setting nameDefault valueDescription
Auto sync orders only for the following payment method(s)Leave empty to auto sync all orders. Otherwise, ONLY orders paid with any of the specified methods will be synchronized (one method per line, without quotes). Payment method examples: "shopify_payments", "twint", "bank deposit", "paypal", etc. and other custom payment methods.

Bexio settings​

Setting nameDefault valueDescription
Bexio account (Login with bexio)Your bexio accountBexio account to which orders, products and others will be synced from your Shopify store
Default userAny "superadmin"Resources (orders, invoices, products) created in bexio will be attributed to this user
Default currencyBased on Shopify and bexio settingsCurrency to use in bexio for products snchronization (should match your shop currency). If orders can be placed in other currencies in Shopify, bexio invoices will automatically be created in these currencies.
Default products taxBased on bexio settings (UN81 tax) if foundWhen an order is created in Shopify with products not found in bexio, this default tax is applied. This applies as well for products created in Shopify and synchronized to bexio. Note: all invoices generated for orders billed outside Switzerland will automatically be tax-exempt.
Default tax for exports and tax-exempt customersBased on bexio settings (UEX tax) if foundAll invoices generated for orders billed outside Switzerland or for tax-exempt customers will use this tax rate. UEX should be selected from the list.
Products/merchandise income accountBased on bexio settings (account 3201) if foundBookkeeping account that will be used for products/merchandise income (i.e. Shopify products that require shipping)
Services income accountBased on bexio settings (account 3401) if foundBookkeeping account that will be used for services income (i.e. Shopify products that don't require shipping)
Shipping income accountBased on bexio settings (account 3207) if foundBookkeeping account that will be used for shipping income
Default contacts groupContacts created in Bexio will be linked to this group
Default bank/cash account for paymentsBased on bexio settings ("Shopify" account) if foundDefault bexio bank/cash account in which payments will be added

Advanced payments settings​

Setting nameDefault valueDescription
Custom Shopify payment methods to bexio accounts bindingsDisabledIf enabled, Shopify payment methods can be bound to different bexio accounts. If a payment method does not match any in the list below, the payment will be attributed to the default bexio account set. Payment method examples: "shopify_payments", "twint", "bank deposit", "paypal", etc. and other custom payment methods.
Custom VAT rates mappingsDisabledBy default, applicable VAT rates are determined by bexio products synced with our app, otherwise with the 'Default products tax' chosen above. When this option is enabled, a custom mapping is used instead. Warning: if VAT rates are edited or created, this mapping should be adjusted accordingly.